Thursday, 23 December 2010 least i watched a movie..

"Iru yeye wo ele yi" this is what i'm  thinking.its funny whenever im reaally upset or in this case frustrated it is yoruba that comes to mind and its even more hilrious that since i speak it pretty badly ive probably gbagauned in yoruba..i know #dead X_X

yes y am i thinking this...just cause ive been sitting in a stationary plane for oh the past SIX hours!uve gotta love the weather in the UK kmft
Ive just been swearing and ive been tryn to they've encaged(lol) us at the departure gate..we cnt leave and im fucking starving!(i knw ive got to try harder)
Any hu..hopefully they wud have sorted it out so we can go in a bit
P.s: i knw it sounds like im bellyaching but i do feel for them airport people...they must be going thru a lot but it still doesnt stop me from feeling annoyed..sue me
And i still as always give God the glory:)

I just watched step up 3(yup thats ryt during my 6hr wait)..and moose said and i paraphrase (plagiarism and what not) : "the journey is better than the arrival" is it?

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Cheap alcohol + freedom =Fresher's week

After knowing some people(including yours truly) for more than 8 years,i thought I knew them well enough in certain areas..i was dead wrong!You don't know anyone until you've seen them drunk..#fact

Freedom is a beautiful thing,it just gives you the power to surrender to something,what you surrender to however,is what you have to deal with later on..
During fresher's week and generally our time in uni we have the freedom to decide anything..I,unfortunately(or fortunately :/)missed my fresher's week but one weekend with my friends partying was enough to tell me that uni is going to involve finding out not only about your friends but also yourself..

Word of advice,if I may, use your freedom to make yourself something you would never be ashamed of..ever

FYI:When i'm drunk i swear a LOT (i'm a bad guys like


People tend to remember just the negative things about you..when you come late to class,they are likely to go "how come you are always late"..when you are not they would not say "how come you are  always early",however, they might say "at least,you didn't come late today"
Why the bellyaching you may is that people always want to see and judge the bad in you and i think its to alleviate themselves from whatever they have come short of in their lives..
Instead of them to sympathize with your human failures,they would rather look down on you to make them feel better than you..and sad
So,the next time you see a late comer or someone going through an embarrassing situation,rather than laugh and go "haha...some people are just... (then)*rme"..remember that time when you walked into the wrong lecture room,went to a meeting late,missed an appointment or went to school with your clothes inside out..or any other embarrassing moment you may have had..(these are somewhat hypothetical)..
..but you can laugh small..;)

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Slag or not..

One of the most important things I have realized is that impressions count and yes we like to think the world revolves around us and all we do..but other people are watching us and they have a lot to say about what we do..what we say..
A)Guy:Boss,wears all the designers:LV,Gucci,Prada,you know the kind..the one that pops at parties,buys the ladies drinks and stuff..
B)Babe:Hottest,all the guys want her number,all of them are runzing her,she's leading them on but not giving anything
Guy is an ODE!he is redoing first year and still doesn't go to his classes and stuff,no babe wants to be with him,they want someone looking to the future with set goals in mind,they will however collect whatever benefits they find around him;)
Babe is silly..she thinks she is so hot but all the guys think she is slut and they just want her cause she is new fish..and cause they think she's easy..

Please as much as we enjoy the (temporary) immediate attention,let us try to be people that others respect and not be the LaUgHiNg stock of a bbm conference..:s

Random thoughts...

So,I have decided to start writing my thoughts and experience in university..there are all these great memories and  I fear I would forget them as life goes on and other things become more important..
But it would be nice to have something of the past-in the future- that gave an idea of how I am now,maybe writing it all out would even put things into perspective..
It's all about me..and i can talk about whatever I want even its still me i'm talking about..if you have a problem with it..kindly leave and go make your own blog where you have control over the  what goes up in it..
If you are reading you're getting a small view into my mind and maybe-using this word very loosely-you might begin to understand most likely wouldn't but I hope it entertains you,makes you laugh and gives you something to think about or even argue about with your friends..
Oh and yes,the ignorant in the title of this blog is because I really am IGNORANT about the things i would be talking about..have no statistics and whatnot but they are my views,opinions and understandings...