Tuesday, 9 November 2010


People tend to remember just the negative things about you..when you come late to class,they are likely to go "how come you are always late"..when you are not they would not say "how come you are  always early",however, they might say "at least,you didn't come late today"
Why the bellyaching you may ask..it is that people always want to see and judge the bad in you and i think its to alleviate themselves from whatever they have come short of in their lives..
Instead of them to sympathize with your human failures,they would rather look down on you to make them feel better than you..and that..is sad
So,the next time you see a late comer or someone going through an embarrassing situation,rather than laugh and go "haha...some people are just... (then)*rme"..remember that time when you walked into the wrong lecture room,went to a meeting late,missed an appointment or went to school with your clothes inside out..or any other embarrassing moment you may have had..(these are somewhat hypothetical)..
..but you can laugh small..;)

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