MacBook Pro
My current Macbook pro is five years old and has worked sufficiently for me but needs to retire and rest now cos she ain't as fast and the batteries need constant external support for it to function so this item is half necessity half ojukokoro.
CL Iriza pumps
I love shoes. They bring me joy and really, is there any shoeholic that doesn't want a pair of red bottoms? *pin drops*... I loove court shoes and these ones in nude give me butterflies.
or even these Pigalles will do really...
Nikon Digital Camera
So in first year (2010) and for a while everybody including me loved, wanted and had if they were lucky an SLR or some professional/professional looking camera. they are great and all but somehow I got tired of lugging around this massive (it's really not that big) thing around no matter how amazing my pictures would be. So, I want a small, clutch fitting camera i can take anywhere. I really like the Nikon ad so this item made my wish list and I feel like there's jazz (juju) in the music- no pun intended- accompanying the ad that makes me want it really bad.
Prada handbag
I am not one for hype or mainstream unless it realllyyyy reallyyy appeals to me so if i didn't like it so much i'd easily stop if everyone and their grandma did but damn i love this bag. #GGMMB
iPod touch
A while back my iPod got lost while in my brother's care and it still hurts me till today so occasionally I pine for it hence this item.
Lately I've been, I've been hav-ing (think One Republic's Counting stars)..some problems with my S3 so I want a new phone. I don't really care as long as it is a smartphone so I can call, text, browse, instagram, twitter, whatsapp and snapchat on it but no Samsung abeg.
I'm sure there's more but this will do for now at this ungodly hour..
There are many important immaterial things I also pray for with all my heart to happen this year that I have decided not to talk about in this post. Material or otherwise, I really hope my dreams for this year come true, in Jesus' name (Amen).
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